Title: Dear Teru
Instagram’s account: @terumenclova
This week has been a disaster – not quite any relaxing week. I have meetings back-to-back, continues to work with hiccups with my keyboard. Apple products are always good, they have great helpdesk as well. Thus, they are way too popular that I need to the lineup to get into the queue. For my work, I decided to get myself a cheap keyboard to work first and indeed it save big time as I don’t have to waste time on working on the long cut. I miss the shortcut keys that I have memories. However, I wouldn’t say all is bad, at least I got a couple of catch up(s) with friends I felt that it is amazing!
Well, enough of me! This week I would like to dedicate this painting to lovely Teru. A travel blogger and freelance photographer from Prague, CZ. A lovely lady who I admire and falling in love with her charms, she is always with such a lovely personalities that are why she raise up quickly in the Instagram community. For those who are interested in her travelling, check it out her blog at http://terusguide.com/ and I believed that you will like her like I do.
I hope everyone like today painting! Stay tuned for the weekly portrait!
Happy Saturday!
xoxo, Angela
Illustration | Angela Leong
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