LIFESTYLE / Moodboard

Mood Board | Split in Two

It’s always fun to play around with colors, everyone love colors, don’t we? If you are staying small spaces like we do, having limited space it hard to play with hues as it might make the space smaller or even cluttered. So, what if we split them into two – horizontally, vertically or even diagonally?

The two-toned walls have always been the trend for many years. The horizontal lines just bring two colors to one place. The blue-and-white wall in is one of my favorites. It divides the room like wainscoting, but without having to paint all those tricky little ridges.

However, there are lesses inspiration for painting them vertically and diagonally. When I found them out it amazed me even more. By having a white ceiling and have it paint colored based it help your room look brighter on your eye level thus allow your room having a classic look of an English house. While having a half of your bedroom painted with a darker hue allows your room to create a new dimension.

And for lovers who love bright and bold hues, but worried that putting a vibrant color across all four walls, from floor to ceiling might be too much? Try taking the intense shade just halfway up the wall! Pair it with a gentle neutral up top – think white or light grey – to soften the saturation.

Would you like to try to split in two now?

xoxo, Angela

Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.

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