Beauty / diy

Handmade Terrazzo Soap

Do you ever hear a song that you just can’t stop listening to? So much it becomes obsessive to the point you block your own social settings in Spotify so no one can see just how many times you’ve played it today… I’m feeling this way about terrazzo. I’m working on a few projects that use this patterning at the moment but I’m holding them back so I don’t look totally obsessed and you don’t get unbelievably bored by it all!

I’ve always been drawn to a random pattern. The control freak in me loves that you have a certain amount of control over creating this. You can choose the colors and concentration of the pieces but you just never know exactly how it’s going to come out.

It gives you the feeling you have been instrumental in the pattern creation, but without any of the responsibility. You can’t criticise yourself for putting anything in the ‘wrong place’ or do it again just with that piece moved slightly to the left. It is what it is. That lets us appreciate the look as a whole rather than as individual elements.

Maybe this is the reason I’m so drawn to it. Instead of scrutinizing and finding fault it’s about accepting what’s there and seeing how it’s uniqueness is its beauty. (Are we getting way too deep for a DIY post about soap?) Either way, these soaps are a cute addition to my bathroom and I hope you love them as much as I do!

You can spray these with alcohol spray to finish and then wrap them as gifts or pop them into your own soap dish (that’s what I’ll be doing!) I love these colors but I might make a black and white version too.

Last week we have shared with you Coconut cake with mango puree for Valentine’s Day. However, if you and your friends are not fans of food why not try this Handmade Terrazzo Soap?

Materials |

  • Melt and Pour Soap
  • Concentrated Food Colouring
  • Alcohol spray

Method |

Add small drops of food coloring and a carbon capsule (to make black) into individual plastic cups. Melt the soap and let it cool for a couple of minutes, then pour it into the cups (about halfway full) and mix. Leave these to set in the fridge for an hour or two.

Chop up the set soap into rough uneven sections. I’ve added some clear soap as well to add areas that are more translucent within the finished soaps. You can spray these blocks with alcohol spray to stop the color seeping later.

Melt the white soap (and add any essential oils you like) then take a handful of soap blocks and add them to the mailing tube. Cover these with the white soap. Repeat this step until you run out of either soap bits or the white soap (or you reach the top of the tube!) Leave this to set in the fridge for at least 4 hours. The mold should be cool when the soap is set.

Dry off the soap and using a knife cut the tube into slices.

What colors do you think would look amazing as a terrazzo soap? Let me know in the comments below and I might make them! Share with us your version! Take a photo of yours, send us an email, tag us on Instagramtweet us, anything. We love to see yours!

xoxo, Joe

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