Healthy Breakfast

Smoked Tuna Salad with Mayonnaise

Breakfast is one of our favorite part of the day. Thinking about making breakfast that feeds both of our stomachs, it has to be something that both of us like. Especially since Joe is a meat eater while I prefer vegetable.

There could be thousand different combinations of these and we want to try something different all the time. And this time we would love to try a traditional Hawaiian seafood preparation — take bite-size pieces of raw fish like tuna, salmon, or octopus, marinade it in soy sauce and in essence.

We will say Tuna + Bean Salad is the best combination yet. We let the fresh combination that we are trying. Smoke tuna steaks low and slow to enhance them with a wood-fired flavor. Shred them & toss with egg mayo for the tastiest tuna salad you’ve ever had.

It’s very important to choose a good tuna. As a tuna’s freshness influences its smoked quality more than its variety. Check the following quality indicators when selecting tuna steaks to smoke:

  • Trim: The steaks should measure at least 1 inch thick and have clean lines and a smooth cut surface.
  • Aroma: Fresh tuna has a prevailing meaty aroma — no “fishiness” or canned-tuna odor.
  • Color: Deep red to crimson flesh denotes a tune harvested at the height of health. You might see slight discoloration or browning around the bone of bone-in tuna steaks, but it should be faint. Pass over tuna with spotting or deep discoloration.

Ask the fish seller for the freshest tuna. Fishmongers will direct you to the freshest of the fresh, and often make an extra effort to provide their best specimens upon inquiry. If possible, some go as far as to slice the steaks off the loin upon request.

When you have a good piece of tuna and the best ingredients. You are almost half way to having a good breakfast.

Ingredients |

  • 2 fresh tuna steaks
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp of garlic
  • 1 tbsp minced flat leaf parsley
  • 1/3 cup prepared mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp whole grain mustard
  • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • a brunch of vegetable
  • a brunch of long beans
  • 200g of baby potatoes

Method |

Start the Traeger on Smoke, lid open, until the fire is established (about 5 minutes). Season the tuna steaks on all sides with the Soya Sauce. Place the tuna steaks on the grill to smoke. Smoke the tuna steaks for 30 minutes to an hour (depending on how much smoke you want to taste).

After they’ve finished smoking, remove from the grill and turn the heat up to High and preheat, lid closed, for 10 to 15 minutes. Drizzle the olive oil on both sides of the tuna.Grill the tuna for about 6 to 8 minutes, flipping the tuna halfway through (or until done to your fish liking).

Cook the baby potatoes ans long beans in a hot water till soft. Add the mayonnaise, mustard, and season with pepper, to taste. Lightly stir to combine. Add lemon juice, to taste. Enjoy!

Hope you like them! Share with us your version! Take a photo of yours, send us an email, tag us on Instagram, tweet us, anything. We love to see yours!

xoxo, Joe

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