LIFESTYLE / Moodboard

Moodboard | Greenery

When Pantone releases their latest colors trend of 2017 I was in thrilled. Greenery will be one of my favorite scheme tone ever. I love what greens brought in my daily life. There is a whole list of it and I do not know where to start but I know I will end it by sharing you our inspiration mood board for the week! I shall begin;

No 1. Greenery is beautiful. It’s not only the pleasant looking scenery but the calming scheme that has brought into our life. I would say greenery just represent me, I couldn’t stop laughing but I even had “forest” as a nickname when I was a kid. I assume people surrounded me viewed me as an organic, greenery, and floral characters since young. It’s part of the green’s family, that is no reason for me to hate it, don’t you agree!

No 2. Greenery, it’s a light pale green. Smoothing to our eye, that why I love it even more.I think the trend of bringing Greenery in could inspire many individuals; creatively or environmentally. In fact, it actually urges me to get a few more pot of plant for our grander to give more punch of the greenery look. One of the biggest projects that we would touch on would be upgrading our patio garden, and planting more edible plants. We love to share our thoughts and experience with you all via our blog.

No 3. Even though it’s still on discussion list but one of the biggest projects that we would touch on would be upgrading our patio garden. Having more organize planting system with more edible plants. We love to share our thoughts and experience with you all via our blog. We hope that you would like them!

Last but not least I would definitely like to get involved in more greens project to please the eyes of our viewer. Also, as an environmentalist, I would like to do my part to convey my message out through our work.

It’s a brand new year, forget about all week blues!
Let’s celebrate with a beautiful greenery year! Happy New Year!

xoxo, Angela.

Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.

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