RECIPES / Weekend Brunch

Marinated Lamb Skewers

Perfectly moist and crispy succulent lamb souvlaki skewers! Get the fire started. It’s barbecue time this weekend with this amazing Greek lamb souvlaki recipe! Souvlaki is one of the most popular street foods in Greece and for good reason! Juicy and well-seasoned meat garnished with cooling Greek Yogurt sauce served or wrapped in a delicious crispy and fluffy pita. Well, one couldn’t ask for more!

Although I just love the classic Greek chicken and pork souvlaki skewers, I think you will agree that there is nothing better than the smell and deliciousness of a barbecued lamb souvlaki! It’s a shame that nowadays lamb souvlaki is commonly substituted with pork skewers, as a much cheaper alternative. But if you like me, just love lamb, here is very easy to follow Greek lamb souvlaki recipe with fluffy pita bread and creamy Greek Yogurt sauce to make your own homemade juicy lamb souvlaki skewers from scratch!

The most important step in making the perfect, traditional Greek lamb souvlaki is nothing else but the marinade! For this traditional lamb souvlaki recipe, the meat is first marinated to soak up all the wonderful Mediterranean flavors and then grilled, to get all crunchy, nicely colored and juicy.

Marinading your lamb souvlaki in the fridge for at least 4 hours will allow the aromas to infuse the meat and give it the desired flavors. It’s best to leave the meat for the lamb souvlaki marinade overnight, to soak up all the wonderful flavors. (If you are at home blend the marinade once in a while).

The best way to serve your traditional Greek lamb souvlaki is nothing other than with some delicious traditional Greek pita. You can also make your own homemade pita bread with this super easy recipe. Of course, Greek yogurt is the preferred sauce to garnish your lamb souvlaki.

Nevertheless, another delicious alternative of this lamb souvlaki recipe is to serve the lamb souvlaki with roast peppers and tomatoes. With a full spoon of yogurt seasoned with a pinch of cumin, salt, pepper and lemon zest.

Grill the peppers and tomatoes on a grilled pan over high heat to get them all nicely colored and finish in the oven along with the lamb souvlaki for extra flavor.

Ingredients |

  • 1 kg lamb leg or shoulder, cut into chunks
  • 80 ml olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 red onions, roughly chopped
  • 1 tsp dried Greek oregano
  • 1 tsp dried dill or some fresh dill, chopped
  • 1/2 tsp smoked sweet paprika (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp cumin (optional)
  • salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 10 metal or wooden skewers
  • 1 cup greek yogurt

Method |

To prepare this Greek lamb souvlaki recipe, cut the meat into equal sized (3 cm) chunks and set aside.

Prepare the marinade for the lamb souvlaki. In a large bowl add the olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, the herbs and spices and season with freshly ground pepper – don’t add salt yet. Whisk all the ingredients to combine. Add the meat and the chopped onions and blend to coat. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, chill and let marinade for at least 4 hours. 

To assemble the lamb souvlaki (skewers), you can either use wooden or metal skewers. Lift the chunks of lamb out of the marinade and thread the pieces, comfortably, on the skewers. At this point don’t forget to season your lamb souvlaki with salt.

Heat a grill, barbecue or griddle pan and cook the lamb souvlaki for about 10-15 minutes, until cooked to your liking.

Enjoy this delicious Greek lamb souvlaki recipe with pita bread and greek yogurt sauce. So go ahead, prepare his traditional lamb souvlaki recipe for your friends and family and enjoy over a glass of cold beer! Take a photo of your version, send us an email, tag us on Instagramtweet us, anything. We love to see you trying out our recipe!

xoxo, Joe

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