LIFESTYLE / Moodboard

Moodboard | Little Bee

Everyone either could be an artist, a scientist or a scholar – however, all of them is a creator first before it category. While, I love to make self-declaration – and I’m in love with this “Bee” style these days! I don’t think that the name of the style but who cares. I decide it and I’m in love it.

The mood board I shared it featured the hues, the shapes, the texture of everything of a bee. It’s bright for a kid room surely, it’s a unisex colour as well. It makes it simple sweet and sugary, however, due to it earthy shade, it creates a warm feeling for any kid room or even your room. Allow one to stay comfortable with the lights shine through – you will feel your room even brighter.

Having some beehive and honeycomb elements make the room far more interesting with just a touch of colours.  It creates an excitement of storytelling, this allows the kids to roam freely in their space. Always remember to plan what you wish for your space before getting the rest of the element. A small tip for you is to decide on a theme like we do, it doesn’t have to the bee but anything else.

As for me, lately I’ve been thinking if I have a child in the future, I will call him/her “little bee” as a nickname. In this generation equality is the most important message that we want to deliver so we never judge them by them through their gender. That why the week mood board is for my future reminder.

xoxo, Angela

Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.


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