Title: Dear Giulio Tolli
Instagram’s account: @giuliotolli
Question: When someone asks you, what’s your love? What is the first thing you thought about?
For me, it would be capturing moments. Since I was young, I love to write, I love to draw, I love to hold onto my camera. Then I wasn’t skilled but I fall in love in capturing and document the precious time.
Apart from photography and writing, one of my love must be painting. However, I would never proclaim myself as a painter but I love to express my emotion through my brush to capture the thing I see.
Edvard Munch once said, “Painting picture by picture, I followed the impressions my eye took in at heightened moments. I painted only memories, adding nothing, no details that I did not see. Hence the simplicity of the paintings, their emptiness.”
xoxo, Angela.
Illustration | Angela Leong
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