
We’re One!

They say that time flies when you’re having fun, and yeah “they” right! Exactly one year ago today, on March 25, 2016, we hit that “publish” button on our very first blog post. Today, we’re taking you on a little trip down memory lane. We’re also giving you a sneak peek into some upcoming projects that we can’t wait to share!

We always wanted to share our ideas or what inspired us with crowds. Even though, one year ago when both of us was fed up with our life. Hence, we are ready to make a change after a period of procrastinating, and terrified beyond belief that we would fail. We took a giant leap of faith that day… not knowing what would come of it. As it makes change our life bits and bits.

Either way, we’re happy that we pushed that button. We’re happy that we took that leap of faith, and jumped into the world that we knew nothing about. We’re happy that we stepped way out of our comfort zone and allowed ourselves to grow in ways that we never even knew was possible before.

With only a year of experience, we will, of course, have a few struggles that we’re going through right now.

Time Management

Our biggest struggles are time management.  Although our work is flexible since we control our own hours (sometimes), we somehow end up working day and night.  We just don’t seem to have enough time every day despite the fact that we sleep for only 4-5 hours.

We feel very guilty that we spend most weekends working, instead of spending time with our family and taking them to places.  However, our family is very understanding and supportive, and even offer to help (when they are in the mood).


We can say that both of us, we are two individuals and leading a different lifestyle. Joe, she loves working at night, work independently and doesn’t share her though through word much. However, Angela gets used to working in the day (for her sake of health) and like to communicate and have a discussion. Even though we are very close but the way and idea how we communicate always become one of our biggest issues. Even now, we still facing the issue, but we better that conflict makes us better and stronger.

Throughout this short period of time, we learned and got inspired by you – our reader.  However, the best part for this one year are we learn more about each other. Thus we would love to continue this journey with you. There are a lot of exciting new things happening here at Le Plain Canvas in the near future! We’ve spent the past year creating content and providing value to the community. We wholeheartedly promise you that will never stop, but with continued growth comes new challenges and opportunities as well.

Website Redesign

You may have noticed recently, that we’re changing the look of our blog graphics bits by bits. This is all leading up to a massive site redesign the following month. For a long time, we’ve been feeling the itch to make Le Plain Canvas more user-friendly. We want it to be easy to navigate, and even more representative of my brand’s personality. Above all, we want the blog to evoke a sense of community, encouragement, and passion. I’ll be trickling out some small changes here and there, but I’m aiming for a full overhaul by the first half of the year, so stay tuned!

Building Community 

One of our main goals since the very beginning was to make Le Plain Canvas a community of like-minded folks working towards their goals and dreams. Thus this year we are ready to introduce our mailing list, in order to bring the latest news for you and also to bring you together.

Le Plain Canvas’s “untitled” Shop

We have been asked time and time again if we would ever consider creating the calendar and printables using some of the designs from our artwork. The answer is YES! However, there is still a long way for us to create this. Thus it is important to have your support. If you’d like to get the latest updates on the shop, be sure to follow the new @leplaincanvas account on Instagram. There’s not much there yet, but the last quarter of the year we will be having exploding with activity!

This “little” blog has grown into so much more than we could have ever imagined over the past year.

We can’t even begin to express the depth of gratitude we feel for each and every one of you. You have thanked us over and over again for the inspiration and motivation that we provide here. But I honestly feel that you have inspired and motivated us.

xoxo, The Sisters (Angela and Joe)

You have been there for me, nurtured me, and fed my soul in more ways than you will ever know.

For that, I am eternally grateful.

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