Occasion / Our Table Stories / RECIPES

Sesame Chia Seeds Crackers and Fresh Herbs Dips


Chive Blue Cheese Dips by Le Plain Canvas

Almond Pesto Dips by Le Plain Canvas


Speaking about gatherings – before the year end there are Thanksgiving, Christmas, many Lunch or Dinner Party, as hostess, it necessitates preparing a spread for our guest to make them feel like a home. For me, I always thought that a starter is the most essential for a gathering. Upon entering a house, you will be welcome with food and drink, and what is better than that to kick start any conversation.

I enjoyed food a lot, as I think that is one of the things that is the most important to me in my life. They give me happiness that you can’t get anywhere while nothing could give  me. Therefore, when coming to food, both of us will give in plenty of thought and effort in it.

We enjoyed creation – in the design and putting our imagination in every pieces or idea. That why we emphasis on hospitality for guests, despite, we do not have luxury time for it, always. Here, we like to suggestions for those occupied hosts or hostess, many considered that it always difficult to prepare all by themselves. However, the ideas and procedures we are sharing it just take you 15 minutes.

Even though snacking is the best entertainment but we need to take note of the state of health as well. Therefore, you could consider to made these Sesame-Chia Seeds Crackers along with the addictive dips for the guest upon arriving – it would be a gracious hospitality.

Ingredients |

For the Sesame-Chia Seeds Crackers:

  • 2 cups, whole wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon, salt
  • ½ tablespoon dried parsley
  • 1 teaspoon, dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon, red chilli flakes
  • 230ml, warm water
  • 1 tablespoon, olive oil

Garnishing for Sesame-Chia Seeds Crackers:
(Mix the ingredients together)

  • 2 teaspoon, white sesame seeds
  • 1 teaspoon, nigella seeds
  • 2 teaspoon, black sesame seeds

Method |

In a bowl, add flour, salt, parsley, oregano, chilli flakes, olive oil and mix. Add 1 cup of warm water and knead into a smooth soft dough. Cover with a damp cloth and let the dough rest for 20 mins.

Pre-heat the oven at 180 degrees centigrade. Divide the dough into 6 to 7 equal sized smooth balls. Take one ball, dust it with flour and roll it out into a thin disc of either oval or rectangular shape. Roll it out as thin as possible. Carefully spread the rolled out disk on a baking tray or cookie tray.

Brush the top with little water and sprinkle the seed mix on the top. Bake for 10 to 12 mins or until light brown and crisp. Take it out and cool completely.

Serve them with Hummus or with any other dip of your choice. For us, we serve it with our Chive and Blue Cheese and Almond Pesto dips.

For the Chive and Blue Cheese Dips:

  • 250g of Cream Cheese
  • 2 tbsp of Blue Cheese
  • a handful of Chive, chopped

Firstly we start by preparing chive and blue cheese dips as it is a very simple one. As you just have to mix the above ingredients in a bowl and you are all done.

For the Almond Pesto Dips:

  • 2 cups of green vegetables (we used basil leaves and baby spinach)
  • 2 clove(s) garlic, chopped
  • 1/4 cup Almonds (slivered)
  • 1/2 cup parmesan cheese (freshly grated)
  • 1/2 cup Olive oil
  • season with salt and pepper

The preparation of this almond pesto dips maybe a bit complicated than the previous one. However, if have the hang of it, it is as simple as a piece of cake. For this pesto, you have to slightly roast the almond in the oven or a frying pan till golden brown. Next, put the roasted almond and rest of the ingredient in the blend. Mix it till smooth, now you are ready to go off for your party.

Share with us your making! Take a photo of yours, send us an email, tag us on Instagram, tweet us, anything. We love to see yours!

xoxo, Angela

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