A Paint Portrait / DESIGN

Week 52 | A Paint Portrait

Title: Dear Yosuaong
Instagram’s account: @ongyosua

This week would be the final portrait for the 52 weeks project – titled, A Paint Portrait. This week I would love to dedicate this portrait to this dear friend – Yosua. He is someone who spread happiness around with his genius smile and encourages people through his words and actions. Little you know he also a fighter in life who inspired me to live happily each day.

Without his knowledge, I couldn’t share his full story. However, if you get to know him you will be truly touched with what he has been gone through. He let me know understood that we need to value each day to the fullest.

Despite the fact that we might be weak for the challenges we facing. And, the fear in our heart but we need to do our best in every way and that’s the right way of life.

Winnie the Pooh once said, “Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”

Yet, sadly to say that this week is the final portrait for the 52 weeks project, #APaintPortrait.

I’ve not yet decided if I’m running a new 52 weeks for the #APaintPortrait project though I believe it will be something more challenging that I would like to have more interaction level with my arts, design with my audience.

Happy day ahead!

xoxo, Angela.

Illustration | Angela Leong

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