A Paint Portrait / DESIGN

Week 26 | A Paint Portrait



Title: Dear Brian
Instagram’s account: @innisbrian

These days even we’re getting busier, we’re motivated by every challenge. The fact is I felt happier every day. I felt blessed to do what I’m doing right now each day; be it work or anything that going through in my life.

Bradley Whitford once says, “Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.”

I think what Bradley Whitford said was very meaningful, make your thoughts into action and that’s just simply simple that you thought!

Just like @innisbrian, seeing his Instagram’s page you just need to believe that you can live truthfully like how he did. Being, so carefree and making every moment a magic!

xoxo, Angela.

Illustration | Angela Leong

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