LIFESTYLE / Moodboard

Moodboard | Green Living

There’s nothing worse than ending the day in a stressful way. One way to ensure a better quality of sleep is to fill your home with beautiful flowers and plants. Not only do they look great and bring vitality and life to your living spaces, but they can have fantastic relaxing and purifying benefits – which in turn can promote a healthy sleeping pattern.

With stress and anxiety causing half of all insomnia issues, it’s a good idea to fill your home and bedroom with a variety of plants that have a calming effect. After all, studies clearly show that spending time in nature reduces stress levels, so why not simply bring nature indoors?

Some little tips that we have discovered, if you love a dark palette, use plants with strong forms. Darker-colored and more architectural leaves add depth to moody spaces. On the other hand, a lighter space will make your plants stand out more. Whether you are after a dark or light palette, let your plants spill out into your room. Use cascading plants on windowsills and mantelpieces, tall upright growing plants on the floor and smaller plants on coffee tables. When you build a bigger collection of plants, start experimenting by layering with color, texture, shape, and size.

xoxo, Joe

Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.

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