Title: Dear Fatin & Mai
Instagram’s account: @effizzxti (left) & @pantone156u (right)
For those of you that follow our site, you must realize that every Wednesday actually is our #apaintportrait column. However, it didn’t happen yesterday and what happen?
Well, I want to take the chance to dedicate “A Paint Portrait” to my best friend, sister, and partner-in-crime – Fatin, @effizzxti. Today, on her birthday I want to surprise her with this portrait along with the message.
Although, we might not know each other for life but she is the one who could understand me. We are so much alike and yet so different and that is why I love her so much! I will never forget the day we met in class, a girl who asked me to call her by an initial “F”. I thought she must be as be weird as I do however both of us mix around better with strange people in our life.
Although she was younger than me and just like my little sister. Yet she is mature and teaches everything that I lack. With her accompany I grow up stronger each day. With her, I dare to do things that I don’t normally do and I truly appreciate meeting her in my life!
William Shakespeare once says, “A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”
F, Happy Birthday!
A couple of years back you help me celebrate mine 24th, today is yours. While I want to make you a promise, let’s be part of your special day like you did. Till we grow old~
You’ll always be my best friend for life!
xoxo, Angela.
Illustration | Angela Leong
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