RECIPES / Weekend Brunch

Citrus Salad with Honey Vinaigrette

This is one of our favourite dressing made at home – we love to make use of the extra citrus we got and marinade into jars for serving. This is one of the non-green salad that we like to eat – it can be eaten like this (a new way of eating fruits) or you can mix them with vegetables too.

Add a palate-cleansing pop of colour and refreshing flavour to your next meal with a quick and easy recipe for Citrus Salad with Honey Vinaigrette.

Ingredients we used

With so few ingredients in simple salads such as these, the flavour of each component really has a chance to shine.

Type of Citrus
Although the recipe calls specifically for navel oranges, blood oranges, and pink grapefruit, we think you could use almost any combination of your favourite citrus fruit. We highly recommend blood oranges if you can get them through. We forget how much we love blood oranges until they show up again at my favourite grocery store. Then we cut into one and remember how gorgeous their jewel-tone insides can be and how incredibly sweet they are. This citrus salad lets all those colours and flavours shine through.

Peeling the citrus is the most time-consuming part of this recipe, but it’s important to remove as much of the white pith as possible to steer clear of any bitterness.

I love to use local wildflower honey in my vinaigrette for its delicate, herbal notes. Fragrant fresh thyme is a classic pairing with citrus that we find complements the honey and mustard well.


  • Pair it with avocado – Juicy, tart citrus. And then, creamy avocado. Tangy pickled red onion. Finished with a honey-lime vinaigrette to bring everything together.
  • Eat it as a side with steak – We always like to have some sweet and sour sides with the steak, this salad is perfect for it. Add one to two tablespoons of red wine to the citrus salad make the whole dish more flavourful.
  • Serve it with yoghurt – Just spoon them onto your bowl of plain greek yoghurt. It will become a great breakfast!

In terms of preparation, the salad takes less than 20 minutes (just peel and slice the fruit, whisk together the vinaigrette, and plate), so it’s a great option for hot summer days, or a few months down the road, to cure the winter doldrums. This is an also simple citrus salad that’s fast enough for weeknight meals but dressed up enough for weekend brunches or dinner parties. And just like your go-to little black dress, it can be as casual or as fancy as your heart desires!

xoxo, Joe

Citrus Salad with Honey Vinaigrette

This citrus salad requires only that you overcome the notion that salads must be green; it’s a novel and wonderful antidote to sorry-looking lettuce. If you’re lucky and can find blood oranges, use them; same with the odd, supremely delicious and usually quite pricey pomelos.


  • 2 naval oranges

  • 2 blood oranges

  • 2 tbsp fresh chopped thyme

  • Sauce
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 tbsp honey

  • ½ tsp dijon mustard

  • 1 tbsp balsamic glaze

  • ½ tsp sea or kosher salt


  • Use a paring knife to slice from top to bottom to remove the skin and pith in sections. Remove the flesh of the fruits only.
  • Combine the ingredients of sauce in a bowl, mix well until the oil emulsion.
  • Place your fruit flesh in a bowl, drizzle the sauce in and garnish with fresh thyme.

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