A Paint Portrait / DESIGN / Project 52

Week 7 | Project 52

Title: Dear Mitchell
Instagram’s account: @chanmitchchan

Before I realized weeks have passed and it 9th August. While, today we celebrate the birth of our nation, a day we declare our independence 52nd years ago. I’m proud to be a Singaporean as we’re always being well-protected in this homeland by our people. Thank you for everything, our home – Singapore and happy National’s day!

This week #APaintPortrait I would like to feature this smart, resourceful and cheery friend Mitch. Even he is so much younger than me but he is just inspiring, the way he works and insight for future. I believed everyone is like a book that you never judge by the cover, he is someone that full of surprises through his knowledgeable judgment.

If you ask me I will never be satisfied with all my painting as I always find flaws especially at myself. I’m a terrible perfectionist that I don’t wish to be one. I have to admit that I’m not the best male portrait illustrator, and I’m often terrible at it. I tried my best at this and I really hope that I portray this well. However, I still want to try at it to practice more often so that I can master my skill.

While in the past, I might stop trying, but now I want to try at it to practice more often so that I can overcame my fear of failure and master my skill every bit and then.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. And that is what my friends and country have taught me.

Happy Wednesday!

xoxo, Angela

Illustration | Angela Leong

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