DESIGN / The Moon's Insight

The Moon’s Insight | Burgers



Hello folks, it’s a new year and a new start to me. Therefore, as you can see there is a new format for The Moon’s Insight. It has been 2 years since I do water painting, somehow I still feel I am still not good at it even with all the practices I had done. While looking through what I have painted, it seems like I had already lost focus.

Therefore, I decided to challenge myself to do something different. Rather than painting what I like (which is mostly flowers) this time every month there will be a theme for each month. For example, this month the topic will be fast food, thus I will paint something related to it. For this week I painted a burger.

To me, the burger is a causal food where I can eat it at any time and any places. It is also a food that I and Angela love to recreate. We have already recreated burgers like Black Bean Burgers and Homemade Patties with Mozzarella, Peach, and Spinach.

Anyway, it’s has been raining for 4 days straight in Singapore and I simply hate it. However, it is a good weather to have a burger. I also have been thinking to make this painting into wallpaper, what do you think?

xoxo, Joe

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