DESIGN / Project 52

Week 6 | Project 52

Title: Wildflowers

Lately, I have been busy with works, therefore, I’ve to skip last week sharing and post this weekend instead. I decided to do something different today compare my daily routine. I have to say art has been therapeutic to me, it allows me to sink into the deep sea and occasionally it reflects my deepest soul.

There’re occasions I paint with a purpose while the other time I paint to express my emotions – and that’s the time I’ll never expect what will be. My brush just moves along with my hand and it could be random lines or pattern. That’s always healing also cure my soul.

Have you ever experience paint without a purpose, even though you were staring at your canvas? It happened to me much time. I always admire what Danny Kaye shared, “Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint you can at it.”

Despite the good or bad, bring the colors and make it crazy ever, that’s life.

Happy Saturday!
xoxo, Angela

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