DESIGN / The Moon's Insight

The Moon’s Insight | Taiyaki


Happy June! It’s already half of 2018 and I am kind of feeling sad as I been feeling unaccomplished recently. Thus in order to cheer me up the only way is eating all the delicious food. One of my favorites is Japanese food, thus this month I am going to paint my favorite Japanese food.

Like fish? Like ice-cream? Ever wondered what would happen if you combined the two? No, we’re not talking about fish-flavored ice-cream. We’re talking about Taiyaki ice-cream cones! They’re o-FISH-ally awesome!

Taiyaki is one of Japan’s most beloved cakes. The cake is made using waffle or pancake batter. And it is fills with my favorite sweet red bean paste. With The tail hides a surprise filling of either red bean or custard. I’m gonna catch a fish for myself now!

xoxo, Joe

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