DESIGN / The Moon's Insight

The Moon’s Insight | Sweet Berry Donut

Sweet Berry

It’s the second week of March, which is time for my second donut – Sprinkles Berry. Since I’m in the spirit of adventure lately, I decided to try a little doodle. I did a quick pencil contour sketch and then dove right in with watercolor. My sweet tooth immediately made me think of donuts and little else so this was pretty much inevitable. Seriously, I can’t think of much else and I’m wondering if the donut shop nearby is still open.

As a kid, I liked a bit of frosting or sprinkles, but as an adult, I’m rather enamored with the simplicity of this variety. However, it always good to have some of this yummy sprinkles. It’s still full of too many calories to count, but it’s so incredibly worth it!

But, I’ll show some restraint, like I did for today’s sketch. Just a few colors and quick washes to get the idea across. A rather appropriate approach to something that is just an illustration of a dream.

xoxo, Joe

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