DESIGN / The Moon's Insight

The Moon’s Insight | Sunday


Time really flies, and I have already draw and painted more than 60 of The Moon’s Insight. As I am busy with my start-up company, recently I doesn’t have any time to learn more. Therefore sometime I am out of ideas. Sometime, I was wondering if I should move on for a new project. Or should I continue with this circle. Any idea?

Anyway it’s Sunday, and it’s feel very good to write on a Sunday rather than working. Writing allows me to clear my mind and reflect on what I am doing. Today weather is a very good one. I wish everyday could be like this.

“Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.”

Thus give yourself a break on a Sunday – watch your favorite movie, cook your favorite dish, or read a good book that you have no time to read during the weekdays. Do whatever makes you happy and you’ll see the great impact it has in lessening the stress.

xoxo, Joe.

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