LIFESTYLE / Moodboard

Moodboard | Rusty Touch


Being someone who loves photography, there is always certain style we attached with. But there are people who want to achieve different style for the moment of their story.

They are dark, cold, iron-ish and filled with mystic”, they are just so seducing! Never will I thought that I’ve been attracted to the rustic-industrial style for a while. From the old abandoned buildings to the everyday basic like the kitchen’s photographs attached above in the mood board.

They are so subductive, they seem to like having some sort of power to drew you closer to them as if they are whispering to you. And, that’s the power of what a rustic touch can do or create. That’s why I have fallen in love with them!

Well, I also couldn’t deny the fact that under my colorful personality I do have a dark side as well, I love to express them through my arts.

xoxo, Angela.

Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.

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