Occasion / Our Table Stories / RECIPES

Table Stories | Our First Thanksgiving Brunch


Thanksgiving – celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November – is the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas songs try to say otherwise, but it just doesn’t get better than expressing gratitude for all you have in your life, getting together with loved ones and stuffing yourself silly with one of my favorite Thanksgiving classics.

This year we decided to host our first Thanksgiving Brunch among our family members. As we would like to appreciate the help, the joys each of the family members brought us. We would like to thanks them for their understanding and also ask for their forgiven for the mistakes and trouble we brought to them. Nevertheless, we would also want to be thankful for all the food and love that give us this year as it’s a gift.


The Thanksgiving Brunch we host is rather simple, the menu consists of a simple 3-courses meal. A day that filled with the savory and sweet aromas from all the delicious food we’re preparing. We thought that it can help to reduce other sensory input at the table. After much consideration, we decide to go ahead with the Thanksgiving theme we dream of. Amazing glittering gold with a touch of floral and a hint of Autumn. It gives us a warm and home feeling with a classic touch during this season.


We decided to go ahead with some festival drink homemade Orange-&-Lemon Ice Tea. Following with the starter, Salmon & Ricotta Cups served along with smoked salmon, crackers, and bread stick. Each guest was being served with fleshy made pancake. This recipes are the best combination for each other. It balanced up the palette that we have on the plate. Not saying that they are all easy and simple to made, which means not much preparation are needed.





The joyful noon was filled with laughter and we end the brunch with a slice of Deep-dish Pumpkin Icebox Pie. What is a Thanksgiving without Pumpkin? This time we made ourselves aDeep-dish Pumpkin Icebox Pie using the homemade pumpkin puree that we made. We made this pie 2 days ahead as it required a more time than rest. However, they are worth the time making it.


To complete the thanksgiving brunch, we added a little touch to the plate. We have made a welcome card on each of the plate, you could personalities it by writing the guest name instead. It gives us a welcoming and warming atmosphere. For our Thanksgiving, we have appetizers, dessert, and drinks covered, how about you?

Although it is a short time that we have spent together but a little sharing and giving is all we could ask for. Check out the dream Thanksgiving menu that we served on our Thanksgiving. Too late for Thanksgiving, it is okay. You can use them for your upcoming festival’s brunch too.

Share with us your thanksgiving too! Take a photo of your Thanksgiving, send us an email, tag us on Instagram, tweet us, anything. We love to see yours! 

Happy Thanksgiving!
xoxo, The Two Sisters.

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