Occasion / RECIPES

Onion Potato Salad with Sourcream Chip

Friday evening is a classic movie jam session with our family during the quarantine. Having the whole bunch of chips and just chips are very guilty and fattening. So if you want something much filling and yet unhealthy, the onion potato salad with sour cream chip might solve your guilty craving

What to prep for a Friday night?

While the festive season is approaching, we have prepared some exciting posts with you all and let’s start with the staples of the table. “Potato” is one of the favourites on the festive table – is can be toasted, baked or mash. And we decided to boil this time and make it delicious with crunchy chips. I could tell you now that when potato meets potato chips it is doubled the flavour of it and it tastes absolutely delicious!

This dish simply will just take 15 mins of yours and it could be easily prep ahead if you are too busy to prepare on the spot. To avoid the potato too creamy, adding chive and red onion enhances the flavour of the dish.

Honestly, the portion supposed to be bigger but I couldn’t resist it before the photo-shoot so I have to admit that I have nibbled some of it. I love sour cream and it is so rare for me to have it without feeling guilty. To spike some of the chip on top allows me to fulfil my temptation of having chips but at the same time, I will not overdose it as the main leading is the potato salad.

If you make our Onion Potato Salad, don’t forget to tag us on Instagram as @leplaincanvas and use the #byplaincanvas hashtag. I love seeing your takes on my recipes!

xoxo, Angela

Onion Potato Salad with Sourcream Chip

This recipe was an excuse to combine our favorite potato chip flavor with the creamy, salty “salad” of our dreams. To hammer that home, the whole dish is topped with crumbled sour cream and onion potato chips. We love to eat this warm, we love to eat this cold, we love to eat this while wearing jorts in the park, and we love to eat this while wearing pajamas on the couch. Do make sure to start your potatoes in cold water so that they’ll cook evenly through and through (if you add potatoes to hot water, the outsides will turn mushy before the insides are tender—no bueno).


  • 2 lb. baby Yukon Gold potatoes

  • 1 cup kosher salt, plus more

  • ¾ cup sour cream

  • ¼ cup mayonnaise

  • 1 Tbsp. onion powder

  • 2 tsp. Dijon mustard

  • 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper

  • 1 garlic clove

  • 1 bunch chives

  • ¼ small red onion

  • ½ cup sour cream and onion potato chips


  • Place 2 lb. baby Yukon Gold potatoes in a large pot, cover with 3 qt. water, then 1 cup kosher salt, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. (Yes, this is a lot of salt, but it’s the right amount for the job. Potatoes are big and dense—so it takes highly concentrated water to ensure they’re seasoned through and through, Plus, think about how much of that gets left behind in the water you pour out!) Once water comes to a boil, reduce heat, adjusting as needed to maintain a simmer, and cook potatoes until fork-tender, 15–20 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, make your dressing. Combine ¾ cup sour cream¼ cup mayonnaise1 Tbsp. onion powder2 tsp. Dijon mustard, and 1 tsp. black pepper in a large bowl. Finely grate 1 garlic clove into dressing and stir to combine. Thinly slice 1 bunch chives. Transfer half of chives to dressing; set remaining aside for serving. Slice ¼ small red onion as thinly as possible through root end. (This might not be the way you usually cut an onion, but we’re going for shallow arcs rather than chunky quarter-moons.) Transfer to a fine-mesh sieve and rinse for several seconds (this eliminates some of that astringent raw onion flavor). Pat dry with paper towels. Add half of onion to bowl with dressing; reserve remaining onion for serving.
  • When potatoes are tender, scoop out ½ cup potato cooking liquid—we’re going to use this later to thicken the sauce, warm up the cold dairy, and flavor the potatoes. Drain potatoes in a colander and let cool 10 minutes or until cool enough to handle. Crush each potato slightly with your hands (it’s easiest to do this if you transfer them to a baking sheet or big plate first) and add to bowl with dressing.
  • Toss potatoes with dressing and ¼ cup potato cooking liquid. You want to do this while the potatoes are still warm so that they’ll better absorb all of the seasoning. Don’t worry if the dressing looks a little loose and watery at the beginning—it will all get absorbed and be nice and creamy. Taste and add more salt or, if your dressing looks too thick, a splash of potato cooking liquid.
  • Top potatoes with reserved chives and onion. Crumble ½ cup sour cream and onion potato chips over—in big pieces if you really just want to be eating a bag of chips or in small pieces if you’d like more of a bread crumb effect.

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