LIFESTYLE / Moodboard

Moodboard | Green Trends

Mood Board | Green Trends

Green is everywhere. It has been the colors of nature and the most restful color for our eyes. It’s soothing and has a calming effect on us.

The most common color in the natural world, it’s second only to blue as the most common favorite color. However, the green trends we would love to talk about today, it’ll be eco-friendly. The environment is trending. With concerns continuing to grow for the planet, eco-friendly innovations are popping up in many aspects of life. For us, we also apply this environmental friendly trends at homes as part of our lifestyle.

LED Lights

LED lights have become a fast-growing trend in homes – and no we’re not talking about LED lights at raves. The compact, sleek LED bulbs used at home are much more energy efficient than standard incandescent light bulbs. It’s not just about the type of lights, but also how they are manipulated. LED lights are being used as decorative lighting fixtures to transform bedrooms, living spaces and bathrooms with color, shapes, lines, and accents. With a combination of energy efficiency and décor potential, LED lights are sure to have long-term staying power, something we don’t mind investing too.

Reusable Materials

We been applying to our lifestyle is using reclaimed wood and recycled materials, cork, bamboo, recycled metal, ceramic and rubber as the flooring materials in kitchen and bathroom design. While, we also try to find furniture that’s in metal alloys, concrete, and fiber and incorporating fresh materials, as it gives a stunning modern feel to our home.

Reduce and Recycle

Have you ever open your kitchen’s cabinet, and discover that here are so many old containers or jars? Here is a very simple way to get rid of them; you could either recycle or reuse them. For us, we avoid buying or keeping plastic at home. For our home, we would prefer glassware and jars – for those old containers or jars, don’t always throw them away, you can always repaint them and give them a new life.

Reuse, reduce and recycle is the eco-friendly trend that has already be part of us since young. It teaches us, never take things for granted!

We hope that you kick start your Monday with the awesome Green!

xoxo, Joe

Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.


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