A Paint Portrait / DESIGN

Week 38 | A Paint Portrait

Title: Dear Erica

Instagram’s account: @emaplus

This week #APaintPortrait I would like to share this lovely friend from Japan, Tokyo, Erika-San. She is great from I knew for years, a sweet talented lady of cooking. It’s always pleasant to see her Instagram for amazing inspiration at her home and cook.

Maintaining a friendship is also as important as a relationship. How do you survive when the person who knows you best lives thousands of miles away? For us, we try to keep up to date with each other daily life and shares mail – sending interesting stuff we found in our country. All these small actions brought us together, even we are living in different country.

“There is magic in long-distance friendships. They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is often more profound.” – Diana Cortes

xoxo, Angela.

Illustration | Angela Leong

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