LIFESTYLE / Moodboard

Moodboard | Autumn Vibes Vol 3

Happy Monday!

Hello folks, it’s the start of a week again. How are you feeling, having Monday blue like me or getting ready to start a brand new week? We all know it’s time for autumn when you walk into the stores. All the clothes looks warm and autumn-ish, with lots of food having pumpkin in it and also decoration for Halloween.

When I start scrolling the Pinterest looking at the autumn related pins, it makes me feel excited. All the pins looks like autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. After scrolling the Pinterest for days, here are some things I love about Autumn that i’m really looking forward to:

The Halloween with the Pumpkins and Candles around the house and more candles. With the cold weather I also get to wear cozy socks, scarves, and Boots. Most importantly get to drink all the hot chocolate and salted caramel that I can as I need to keep myself warm.

What are you excited for around this time of the year?

xoxo, Joe

Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.

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