Title: Dear Sonia
Instagram’s account: @sonialacis
Although the 52 weeks project, #APaintPortrait have already come to an end. However, with your support this week I would love to have a special portrait dedicate to Sonia, who is one amazing individual, also a photographer.
I enjoyed her particular style, it is very fresh and pure. Being able to connect with her for a long time allows me to be fascinated with her work again and again. Through her Instagram’s account, you will see her perceptive is unique and charming. I truly enjoyed the interaction with her as she is such an inspiring individual.
Honestly, I would say that this portrait that I painted for Sonia could be one of the most challenging ones among all of the 52 portraits. Because I decided to challenge to work with lots of shadow and lighting. I might not have been working on this style before. Therefore, exploring a new style teaches me new things which are beneficial to improving my skill.
Happy day ahead!
xoxo, Angela.
Illustration | Angela Leong
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