LIFESTYLE / Moodboard

Mood Board | Wall of Glass

We have a wall piece of glass wall in our house now which were here ever since we were born. However, in many minds of almost everyone who grew up in the ’80s, glass block is synonymous with Bad Architecture. It was part of a sort of late-wave shopping-mall-and-office-park Brutalism and has suffered from the association ever since. Many say it is a symbol of bad design and I guess this is the reason why Angela seel the wall up during our last renovation as she doesn’t like it.

However, I have been seeing this glass block wall trend being brought back and uses in their house. However, the glass block uses now is much more simple unlike the flower engraved one we have in our house. I never would’ve thought I’d describe glass block as “breathtaking,” and yet, here we are. The glass wall doesn’t only act as a partition, it also can be seen as an art piece of the house. What do you think?

xoxo, Joe

Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.

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